Thursday, February 12, 2009

The PeaceTags Story

"Help! We NEED peace!” I remember shouting to no one in particular as I read the newspaper one day in early 2007. The stories of horrific war injuries, problems at VA hospitals, school shootings, Darfur-unfortunately the list went on, troubled me deeply. I wanted to do something--- anything to help. But what????

As I pondered that question, and thought about what could help us, I kept thinking of all the artists, spiritual leaders and sages who have been peace advocates. Throughout time many wise people have pointed us toward peace through words. Simple words! Where were their voices in these complex and challenging times?
A piece of jewelry seemed the perfect, eye catching way to reflect their words! And I hoped these "mini-billboards" would become a conversation piece encouraging people to think about, talk about and work for peace.

In addition, I wanted this piece of jewelry to keep people mindful of the wounds of war. Many young people are coming home with horrific injuries. Multiple amputations, traumatic brain injuries, burns, and PTSD are all grim realities of modern warfare. We cannot go about our daily lives and forget about the wounds of war. The wounds are physical, emotional and spiritual. And they are deep. These wounds affect us all.

And so, the dog-tag shape, traditionally used to identify fallen soldiers, seemed the perfect, if ironic, choice to reflect the words of peace advocates.

PeaceTags were born!

A small team of devoted volunteers came together, worked their tails off and developed the initial website and assorted necessities like a logo. (Volunteering can be very rewarding AND exhausting. Maude, Andy, Steve, Patti, Angela, Shelly….your generosity will never be forgotten.)

PeaceTags donates 100% net proceeds to innovative groups helping wounded veterans, their families, our communities and our world. They are gifts that give back.

We launched our website on September 11, 2007 and by December of 2008, have donated over $50,000 to causes helping to heal veterans and spread peace! Currently our non-profit partners include the Fisher House Foundation ( and Voices: the Education Project, (
My dream for PeaceTags is that they continue to reach more and more people with their beautiful words. I hope they become emblematic of caring about the wounds of war and about creating peace in our hearts, in our homes and in our world! They make a WONDERFUL Valentine’s Day gift! (For more info, visit

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